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Wizards of the Coast makes magic on Twitter

Episode Summary

Tune in to hear how Wizards of the Coast (the company behind Dungeons and Dragons and Magic: the Gathering) uses Twitter to add a digital layer to their classic games.

Episode Notes

In this episode, we learn about the ways Wizards of the Coast (the company behind Dungeons and Dragons and Magic: the Gathering) uses Twitter to add a digital layer to their classic games. 

Listen as Greg Tito, Senior Communications Manager for Dungeons and Dragons, shares the exciting ways the company uses things like automation, localized ads, and an authentic voice to evolve their legacy brand on Twitter.

As you listen, here are some helpful links ––

Twitter accounts mentioned:


Referenced Tweets:

Blame the gnomes!
Madam Eva reads your fortune
Character generator     

The listening tool Bianca references:

TweetDeck official site

In case you missed it! Hear more from this episode’s guest, Bianca Posterli:

Mini episode: Q&A with Bianca (Apple Podcasts)
Mini episode: Q&A with Bianca (Google Play)


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